Saturday, February 17, 2018

I Shouldn't Have To

I shouldn't have to worry about
What happens when
I send a student to the bathroom or
To get a drink of water.

I shouldn't have to worry about
A student dying during a fire drill
Without a fire.

I shouldn't have to worry about
Getting a text from my sister reading
"I'm reaching a point of not wanting you to work
In a school
Any more."

I shouldn't have to explain that
Statistics are on my side and
It's never happened here
So we can both pretend
It's comforting.

I shouldn't have to explain that
I already have a plan.
My classroom has windows.
Step one: GTFO.

I shouldn't have to explain that
If I can't,
And we're trapped,
And there are footsteps in the hall,
I already know what I will say
To my students.
Words chosen carefully,
Because they might be
The last words I ever say or
The last ones they ever hear.

I shouldn't have to.

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